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영어도서관 학습법

리드앤톡 영어도서관으로 성장한 학생의 Writing Sample

페이지 정보

작성자 리드앤톡 댓글 0건 조회 3,122회   작성일 17-09-04 15:59


리드앤톡으로 성장한 학생의 Writing 샘플입니다. 해당학생은 고2입니다. 리드앤톡 프로그램 개발을 막 시작했을 때, 초등4학년 학생이었고, 중2까지 가르쳤던 학생입니다. 수행평가 때문에 교정 좀 봐달라고 연락이 왔는데, 참 많이 성장했네요. 이런 학생들을 볼 때마다 뿌듯합니다. ^^


French revolution started in 1789 and finished in 1794. That time, France was monarchistic and due to the extravagance of royal families, coffers were empty. Naturally, as a result, commoners were impoverished because the king levied tax too much so as to offset the deficit. The era has faced the rising of capitalism and Bourgeois came into appearance. However, they fell into categories of the third estates so they were deprived of prerogatives. So they had complaint towards the king, nobilities and clergies. In effect, most of the people were totally dissatisfied with the king. So the king, Louis16 tried to conduct financial reform and that caused the nobilities’ requiring opening of the Estates-General. During Estates-General, the third estates created the National Assembly and soon there came the Tennis Court Oath in which they pledged not to disperse until the constitutions were enacted. Then there was rumor of military’s gathering and bore so-called Storming of the Bastille. The happening ended with the third estates’ conquering the Bastille. It is now said to be a starting point of the revolution.
In August 1789, The declaration of rights of the man and of the citizen abolished the feudalism and privileges. And in 1791, The first Constitution put a limit on king’ authorities and admitted limited voting rights. Louis16 were dismayed by the direction of the revolution and fried to flee with his family to Austria only to be caught. Meanwhile there was a new threat from the outside, Prussia and Austria, which felt a menace by French revolution. They issued Fillantz Declaration demanding Louis16 to retain authorities. France waged a war and was defeated in many battles. After France’s finally winning Prussian, the First Republican was established. Soon, Louis16 and his wife Marie Antoinette were sent to guillotine. And Robespierre gained power. It was the start of the Reign of Terror. Thousands of people who opposed Robespierre and his faction faced death. The massacre earned backlash and gave rise to Thermidorian Reaction. In January 27th, 1794, Robespierre and others were sentenced to capital punishment. French revolution came in to culmination with Napoleon.

Heretofore I gave a speech about how the French revolution was developed and ended. It was a significant event. People tried to demolish the ancient orders and to bring new orders. It helped establish modern paradigm. That’s why the event is important. Thank you for listening


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